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GORDIUS Little Giant 2 KEMPER, FRACTAL, LINE6 etc...

Référence du produit: GORDIUS

31/10/2017 16:57:44

pédalier contrôleur midi universel et le plus puissant (kemper, fractal, line6 etc…) 

The LG foot controller combines the extremely rich feature set of the LG module with a 12 key pedal board. (Check out the LG module page to find out about its features) 
Its footswitches can be used in a standard setup of up to 250 banks containing 10 directly accessible patches each, scrolling through the banks using the UP and DOWN switches. The two upper keys (9/10) can alternatively be used as ’Direct Select’ switches, which give direct access to two full banks of commonly reused patches or effects. Switching back and forward between current bank and any of these
’Direct Select’ banks happens with a single click.
Obviously, the LG foot controller inherits the ease of setup from the embedded LG module, using a brilliant and very legible graphical LCD display both for setup and for displaying song names and other info while playing.
Its ergonomics allow alternative usage of the floorboard as a desktop control center for keyboard players or in a (home) studio setup, giving you extensive MIDI control at your fingertips. 

Many more features are available. To get a detailed overview, download the whitepapers and user manual here.

parfait état pas d’échange merci    300€


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